
Clarifying the story for an industry leader following multiple acquisitions


RealTime had acquired two eClinical software providers – Devana, a cloud-based business development and data analytics platform, and Complion, an industry leader in eRegulatory solutions. These acquisitions, and RealTime’s organic product architecture growth over the years, had created challenges in clearly articulating the full breadth of the offering.

Private Equity

  • Private Equity Backed


  • Healthcare Technology


  • Positioning & Messaging
  • Brand/Product Architecture
  • Product Nomenclature System
  • Visual Brand Development
  • Tone of Voice
  • Content Development
  • Website Design Oversight
  • Targeted Message Training
Sustena created the “RealTime eClinical Platform” to simplify the product architecture and buying journey for customers, partners, and other stakeholders – allowing them to familiarize themselves with the breadth and depth of the RealTime offering.

As we merged multiple companies, our future positioning became critically important for how we promoted our ‘why?’ and new offerings to customers. We are now primed for our next stage of growth.

Stephen Johnson

CEO, RealTime



As clinical trials sites have rapidly consolidated into larger site networks, these conglomerates have been searching for a single platform to operate the business and research of clinical trials.


RealTime’s new core message “Research at Scale” highlights their ability to support growth securely and effectively, enabling customers to manage the ever-changing complexities of clinical trials while handling the data and processes to deliver better outcomes.



Years of organic product innovation had created a fractured visual language for the RealTime team, and with the acquisition of Devana and Complion, there was a need for unify the combined businesses with a new visual presence.


Leveraging the learnings from 20+ interviews, Sustena reimagined a more confident, energetic, and innovative brand with a stronger perspective. The modular system lends itself to future growth and acquisition.



The value that RealTime provides is the ability to source, stand up and execute modern-day clinical trials in an all-in-one eClinical platform – managing the business and research of clinical trials together.


The new tagline, “Better Research. Better Business. Better Outcomes.” highlights this differentiation and points directly to the value that RealTime enables for their customers with its Platform.


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