Convergency Partners

Building a new and highly credible brand for the future


The founders of Convergency Partners are senior operators who use their insight as financial services operators to connect innovative solutions and industry leaders, providing strategy, resources, and relationships to create real impact. As a new organization with a clear mission Convergency needed a means to express the value of bringing together multiple powerful personal brands in financial services, both verbally and visually. Our main goal while working with Convergency was to follow their lead on focusing on the future, so creating a visually attractive brand that conveyed sophistication, yet approachability was key while tying in forward facing messaging and positioning.


  • Financial Services
  • Consulting


  • Positioning & Messaging
  • Visual Brand Development
  • Branded Business Tools
  • Content Development
  • Website Development
  • Brand Launch Planning
  • Go-to-Market Strategy & Planning
  • Thought Leadership Papers
  • Website Content Hub
The tagline ‘Bridging Innovation and Enterprise’, helps Convergency capture the essence of their value proposition- delivering the strategy, resources, and relationships that startups and large financial services firms need to stay competitive.

Sustena has a smart process to take our business and our vision, and express it in a brand that tells a powerful story of the value we provide and reflects the experience of our partners. They provided us with a strong foundation of the words and visuals we need to put our best foot forward to the market and maintain consistency as we expand our business.

Jeff Miller




Convergency Partners had a business idea that was ready for the market but did not have a cohesive brand platform that could be easily understood by new clientele.


We interviewed current clients of Convergency to uncover the tangible and intangible value they provided to strategically position and message their new brand within the market.



Convergency needed to represent themselves as an innovative, modern, and future-facing organization.


We developed a vibrant and contemporary visual brand that conveyed sophistication and approachability. The colors chosen to represent the brand are a modern twist of traditional financial services colors.



As a new company Convergency Partners needed sales and marketing tools that allowed them to grow the business and speak to the market.


To help Convergency convey their mission we created a functional and expansive website along with other vital collateral like key templates and a pitch deck.


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