Danielle Raymond

Senior Director

Coming from a background in advertising operations, Danielle has a mindset for processes and fast turn-around times. Aligned with her upbeat personality, she enjoys event planning, operations and project management. With a natural ability to jump quickly between tasks, she is able to organize herself and her team on all of her projects. Danielle studied at the University at Buffalo where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a Supply Chain Operations concentration and discovered her strengths. Whenever she needs to wind-down from a busy week, Danielle likes getting crafty and working with her hands.

Favorite Brands

My entire life I struggled with allergies to foods, nuts especially, which made it hard for me to trust eating anything new. Like most people I love chocolate, however, it can be hard to find brands that take a conscious effort to separate their supply chains appropriately. Hershey's has always been a brand that made me feel comfortable with their process and the integrity of their products. And of course, I can't forget that as a child I always looked forward to making a trip to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania.
Etsy is a digital platform for creative small-business owners to set up shop and sell their products. Their site has countless sellers and options for unique, hand-made and sometimes one-of-a-kind personalized inventory. The passion entrepreneurs have comes through in their service and delivery and I take pride in supporting them.

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