Dan Weaver


Dan is a brand strategist with over a decade of experience in business transformation and years of industry experience in quality assurance. With an empathetic compassion for the human experience, and a degree in animation, art, and design, Dan loves working closely with diverse teams to deliver high-quality, thoughtful, and highly creative project deliverables across a variety of industries and their unique business and technology challenges. As a Seattle native, Dan can be found spending his weekends in the rain, wondering why he doesn’t live somewhere sunnier.

Favorite Brands

Behind Lush’s clean, bold look is a simple cosmetics retailer with a big heart. From fighting a life-long campaign against the use of animals in testing before they even opened their first shop, to emphasizing fresh, natural ingredients, and environmentally friendly practices. Lush is a beautiful brand, with a great product that feels good to use and that you can feel good about using.
Ridwell bridges the gap between traditional waste management systems and consumers who don’t want to stop buying their favorite products but who also still want to reduce waste and advance sustainability efforts. And Ridwell makes it look good. They didn’t even need to market to me — the first time I saw their pickup box and logo on someone’s doorstep, I was struck, “What is that?! I gotta look that up.”

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