Brenna & Bryan on Roll-Ups

A common strategy that PE firms execute to create greater value for their businesses and investors is to bring two or more complementary portfolio companies together. Successfully executing a Roll-Up is to have command of and partners to help with the many moving parts need to happen both quickly and with stellar quality. Brenna Garratt […]

Bryan Jenkins’ advice on Roll-Ups

As one of Sustena’s biggest areas of focus at the moment, Bryan Jenkins, Vice President of Sustena, speaks about his experience with Roll-Ups while offering some key advice: Start early!

Brenna Garratt’s Advice on Roll-Ups

Brenna Garratt, Sustena CEO, shares some advice on the complexity of Roll-Ups and how to best utilize your seat at the table when creating a new business.

Brenna Garratt on Corporate Carve-Outs

There are times when it makes sense for a specific part of a company to become its own entity. When this occurs, PE firms execute a Carve-Out strategy. Both a challenging and effective solution, this initiative is complex and involves the creation and migration of countless components and data points. Brenna Garratt and Bryan Jenkins […]